Friday, December 14, 2012

Week of December 17, 2012

Monday- finish MOON video
tides: Why so high and so low?
Tidal changes are different in various parts of the world. Near the equator, there is very little noticeable change because a large volume of water is spread out over a wide range. The highest tides in the world are at the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. The bay is very narrow, so water rushing in from the ocean can rise and fall up to 20 meters a day.

Tuesday- Go over worksheet of drawings. Need to know-
-rotate vs revolve & orbit
-reasons for seasons
-neap tide & spring tide
-what is a year & leap year
-what is a day
-solar eclipse
-lunar eclipse

Wednesday- play draw- win or lose & model S, E, M
Thursday- quiz over the above information
Moon info-

Do we really need the Moon?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Week of December 10, 2012

Monday- Work on S,M,E assignment


Day & night motion
time- how long is a day on Earth?  the Moon?  the Sun?
tilt- is there one?  what is it?
Orientation of Earth's axis- what does it point to as it moves around the Sun?
Rotate vs revolve- what is the difference
Year motion- sun moon and earth move to show how a year passes.
Year time- how long is a year exactly
Leap year- why do we have one?  What is it?
Moon year & time- how long is a year on the Moon?
Moon “day” & time- how long is a day on the Moon?
Cause of tides- explain
neap- what is it?  what is the arrangement of the S,E,M?
spring  " "
Solar eclipse arrangement
Lunar eclipse arrangement
Seasons- What causes the seasons?
winter- where is the Earth when it is winter?
spring "
equinox- what is it?  When are they?
solstice What? When?

helpful websites:

Interactive about what causes tides-

Your textBOOKS!! Chapter 1

(click on eclipse interactive)

Tuesday- S,M,E  written portion
Wednesday- Groups do S.M.E= wear the correct colors for extra credit.
Thursday & Friday- MOON

eclipse schedule for 2013-