1. CHECK IC for missing work.
2. Tests MUST be made up by period 1 on Tuesday.
3. Labs should be done for today- discuss.
4. Mining ppt and notes
Tuesday-Mining lab
1. extra credit recycled project due 4/29 or before.
2. finish cookie mining
3.finish ppt of mining
Earth's changing surface- textbook assignment
1. List the 13 events that might change the surface of the Earth.
2. Click on a specific example of this event. Write down the name and place and date. Give a one sentence description of before and after.
Read the following articles. List facts about the ice age in Maine. When did it happen? What area did it effect? What results did it leave? Should have about 2/3 of a page.
Quiz over types of mining. Ways the Earth's surface can be reshaped (including Maine).
Avalanche- http://www.mountwashingtonavalanchecenter.org/2013/02/22/new-addition-to-the-avalanche-slatboard/