Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rocket Week(s) Begin Project X on THursday

homeroom 10/10/12

Wednesday= begin rocket week!

popwerpoint to use for WEDNESDAY-

1. extra credit due- if you did it

1b. review questions

2. pictures of rockets:

3. extra credit rocket podcast:

4. forces on a rocket:

5. notes- Newtons Laws, & drag, lift, thrust,weight ( in class Friday- get from someone if you were absent)  Also Friday Starters were due!!

6. Begin straw rockets on the computer.

7. Monday- Thursday= NECAP testing.  Classes will be on a rotated schedule.  All classes will be at different points of rocket week as the week goes on.

8. Build and test two paper rockets.

9. Write lab report as explained in rubric. This will be handed out in class in larger form.  Rubric should be turned in with report. Due dates might vary depending on NECAP schedule. wgt = 2
Rubric for lab report Name:______________________

This report should have: points
Title ( a sentence describing the activity) /10 
Problem- How does a rocket's weight affect thrust? /10 
Materials ( in a bulleted list) /10 
Methods ( in numbered, concise steps) /10 
Data ( two tables & any observations) /20

  • Discussion- Two paragraph minimum answering /30
  • the questions below in POTQ.
    The report should be typed, DS, size 12 font & free from spelling errors /10
-What is providing the thrust for the rocket?
-What is creating drag on the rocket? How can this be improved?
-Did the rocket fly straight? If not how could this be fixed/ improved?
-Explain how Newton's third law can be applied to your rocket. Use specifics from your launches.
-Does gravity play a role in your rocket's journey? Explain.
-Explain how drag, thrust, and weight affect the distance your rocket traveled.

10. Begin Project X in assigned groups.  wgt = 3

land on the Moon

Space race powerpoint:

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