Tuesday, October 23, 2012

week of October 22, 2012

Newton's three laws and rockets ppt

 Monday & Tuesday- finish rocket construction, and prelaunch analysis.
Homework Tuesday= read about flight of a water rocket.
Wednesday- LAUNCH DAY!  Dress for the outside!
Thursday- worksheet below.  Keep and hand into me on Monday.
Rocket simulator link= have to click GO after each tab
Friday- worksheet on stars- Keep and hand into me on Monday.

Analyze your flight.
Each member of the group should fill one out! Name:

  1. In general, describe your rocket's launch.

  1. How long did it stay aloft? _________ seconds
  2. What is the mass of your rocket? _________ g

  1. Have all groups put their mass and time aloft on the board. Copy this down.
    Mass (g)
    Time aloft (sec)

**Graphs should have a title, and X and Y axes should tell what is on them and the units ( example: mass(g)
Put time in item label, and mass in value. Preview should look something like this.
  1. When it is complete, print a copy.
  2. Make a statement about the relationship between mass and time aloft as shown by the graph.
  3. On the back of this paper. Sketch your rocket. Draw arrows pointing to places on your rocket that increase drag. Underneath the sketch write a statement about how to improve. A. drag B. thrust C. weight.
  4. Write three ways you could redesign your rocket for improved time aloft. Include a sketch if you want.

Star worksheet:
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000167 EndHTML:0000032098 StartFragment:0000000514 EndFragment:0000032082
Use http://stars.astro.illinois.edu/sow/sowlist.html to complete the table below for star party preparation. Hint- constellations are in all caps, stars lower case. Feel free to use command f ( finder) on the webpage to help find the name.

Name Is this a star or constellation? Direction on the map- ex. N, NE Fact about star- OR origin of constellation story

Altair star West/SW 13th brightest, part of summer triangle

** Any remaining time please work on stellarium.

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