Monday, January 7, 2013

Week of Jan 7, 2013

Stardust info: 

Saturday night, the spacecraft flew by Earth after nearly 3 billion miles traveled, and released the 100-pound capsule containing the samples. It entered the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean, traveling almost 29,000 mph, and crossed over Oregon and Nevada on its way to its landing zone on the Utah salt flats. (Watch how cosmic duster collector was to make its return -- 1:57)
Sky-watchers in Nevada saw the capsule streak across the sky, officials at JPL mission said.
At 105,000 feet, a small parachute deployed to begin to stabilize the craft, and at 10,000 feet the main parachute opened to bring it in for a soft landing. Because of the dark sky, NASA tracked the capsule using infrared cameras and helicopters found the capsule once it landed.

This week- finish Moon information & Quiz
-Space travel & TPS challenge

 1. Go over worksheets.
2. Moon flipbook construction.

3. video review,sun,moonqu.html

Review then...


3. Question du jour= How did spacecraft reenter the atmosphere without burning up in the atmosphere?  After all, meteors do!

1. Name 5 American spacecraft (at least 3 manned).
2. Sketch a picture of each.  
3. Tell how each one withstands the heat of reentry into the atmosphere.

Reentry videos and problems:

4. TPS Engineering design challenge

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