Thursday, January 24, 2013

Worksheet for flashcards

coma dust tail eccentricity data logs ion tail
f. long period comet g. magnitude h. Mission Control i. nucleus
j. orbit k. rendezvous
l. short period comet m. simulator n. Space Lab o. spectrometer
p. task cards

1. A cloud of dust and gas that forms around a comet’s nucleus due to solar heating
2. An instrument used to obtain and record a spectrum, series of colors that is produced when light is spread out in order of wavelength, of an astronomical object.
3. A large satellite equipped to support a human crew and designed to remain in orbit around earth for an extended period.
4. A set of paperwork used to keep track of test results and mission developments. 5. A comet with an orbital period of less than 200 years. 6. A comet with an orbital period of more than 200 years. 7. How bright a night sky object appears to the human eye from Earth.
8. The solid part of a comet, made of ices and rock.
9. A centralized location where persons work together to monitor and analyze the activities of the space station and its crew.
10. The path a planetary body makes as it revolves around the Sun.
11. A meeting time or place scheduled for two objects/people to meet.
12. One of two tails of a comet made of ionized particles which have a bluish color form the emission lines mostly of ionized carbon monoxide.
13. An artificial environment created to resemble an actual place; used for training.
14. A numerical value for the shape of an orbit ranging from zero which equals a circular orbit to nearly one which equals a long orbit.
15. One of two tails made of dust grains which are yellow-white color from reflected sunlight. 16. A step-by-step set of written instructions for performing a job/duty.

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